Welcome to the Xzistor LAB neuro-robotics laboratory, home of the Xzistor Concept brain model.  

The Xzistor Concept brain model comprises of a simple integrated brain model which principally explains all that happens in the brain.

My research is focused on building robotic applications capable of human-like intelligence and emotion.

In the right side-bar you can see Troopy – a simple Lego robot – in a ‘learning confine’, being taught to navigate to a food source and push buttons to gain access to the food.

Join me on an amazing journey of discovery and see how we use this simple but powerful brain model to build real thinking, feeling robots. And learn how to set up your own home AI platform where you can build and test robots just like this!

Below is an intro video from my YouTube channel which you can join for free – here. Subscribe to get my videos and/or updates every week on all the experiments I do and tips on building your own home AI lab.

Click on the video below: